Glass Guardians

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creating a circular economy, preventing the final disposal of glass bottles to landfill.

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Submission date 22. Dezember 2023 Founders Michael Jenni Entwicklungsort Denpasar, Indonesien

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

Creating a circular economy for waste glass bottles generated by the tourism industry in Indonesia.

Wie wird es gelöst?

Glass Guardians is a profitable business model with positive cash flow that will provide the necessary infrastructure for collecting and processing waste glass bottles generated by hotels and restaurants.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

Tourism hospitality businesses in Indonesia - we are launching our pilot in Bali

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

Our primary revenue is from collection contracts with hotels and restaurants. We support local governments in achieving their federal waste management targets. The aggregate material after processing can be used directly by construction industries, guaranteeing a circular economy within each island/province where we operate.