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Our innovation is not only supreme in its properties but also affordable and eco-friendly.

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Date de soumission 15 juin 2023 Fondateurs JJ Ghosh Lieu de développement Kolkata

Le projet en détails

NB : cette fiche est intégralement remplie par les personnes proposant l’innovation.

Quel est le problème résolu ?

Efcrete tends to address and solve the huge demand for eco-friendly sustainable construction materials and also fights against climate change. We are here to replace concrete in residential and commercial construction.

Comment est-il résolu ?

We have innovated, built and tested an eco-friendly sustainable net-zero natural alternative construction material as replacement for concrete in residential and commercial construction.

Qui sont les clients potentiels ?

The target are customers who are using concrete for residential and commercial construction. Our clients would also be construction material manufacturing companies.

En quoi cette solution est-elle différente ?

It's eco-friendly sustainable character, durability and affordability and ease of production.