SprarkQS Bulgaria

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Boosting people's efficency 20/30/40%

Le levier d’action utilisé
Efficacité énergétique
Le secteur d’activité
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Date de soumission 31 mars 2023 Fondateurs Petar Vasilev Nikolaev Lieu de développement Sofia, Bulgarie

Le projet en détails

NB : cette fiche est intégralement remplie par les personnes proposant l’innovation.

Quel est le problème résolu ?

Energy lost during shoping , food lost because of date expire, CO2 extra added as energy and ways to treat, cut in cost for individuals or group of people , new services based on cutting costs, as part of the solution for food we can add new technics and measured goals easy for people to reach and

Comment est-il résolu ?

At the moment a am participating as i involved more than 200 people providing them with IOT gateways for shared low cost network and i deployed over 500air monitoring stations for hyper local data for goverment and city and prepairing 1500 more for kindergardens and schools.

Qui sont les clients potentiels ?

2 .Target grup and bigest clients: Every person ho has access to water,electriity and canalization. In part of the world where one of these factors is not accessible we can approach from diffrent angle. The last part i am ready to dicuss it with u

En quoi cette solution est-elle différente ?

We never give up, if we fall we stand back and try again,if there is no solution we find one .