Ricevuto : Sono tutte innovazioni proposte a Team for the Planet attraverso il modulo di presentazione delle innovazioni

a carbon sequestering eco-concrete that uses plastic waste as replacement for sand

Data di presentazione 04 giugno 2022 Fondatori Marieh Mehran Luogo di sviluppo Los Angeles

Il progetto in dettaglio

NB: questo modulo deve essere compilato completamente dalle persone che propongono l'innovazione.

Qual è il problema risolto?

Concrete is one of the most destructive materials and yet second most used material.It is causing 8% of global CO2 and plastic is littering our planet with only 9% being recycled.There is a global shortage of river sand,the second most used natural resource on earth which constitutes 70% of concrete

Come si risolve?

Our product enables permanent CO2 storage in concrete and we can replace 60% of the required river sand with 40% non-recyclable plastic waste in volume.

Chi sono i potenziali clienti?

We provide the formulation to the manufacturer, who in turn supplies the concrete to the builder, who in turn makes better buildings more quickly at a lower price. The ultimate beneficiaries are the eventual residents of these builders.

In che modo questa soluzione è diversa?

We are the first company to use non-recyclable plastic waste as a replacement for sand while also sequestering carbon. Our material is more cost effective. It is also lighter (due to sand replacement with plastic), thus reducing overall weight.